Magic5 Goggles - A Review From A Pro Swimmer
Maria Rezhylo
Professional swimmer & swim coach
Hi, my name is Maria; I am a former professional swimmer, and Tampa-based swim school owner. Today, we will examine swim goggles that made their recent appearance on Shark Tank, Magic5, and decide whether they are worth your attention.

You'll learn:

  1. Magic5 swimming goggles pros and cons
  2. How Magic5 makes their custom goggles
  3. Magic5 VS conventional goggles
  4. And more

If you are wondering whether or not Magic5 swimming goggles are worth investing in, this article is for you.

Let's dive in.
magic5 swim goggles review

Custom Magic5 Swimming Goggles

If you've been swimming for a while, you probably have heard about Magic5, a company that makes custom goggles for each customer's facial contours. To order a pair of goggles from Magic5, swimmers must do a quick face scan through their app. The company guarantees that this technology allows them to build the best swimming goggles for your face shape.

As a former professional swimmer & swim coach, I've seen other swimmers wearing goggles from Magic5 in practice and competition. While some teammates were over the moon about their new pair of custom-fit goggles, others shared their negative reviews. To find out whether or not Magic5 was able to create a perfect fit goggles for swimmers, I got a pair to test in the pool and in open water.

Spoiler alert: Those goggles do fit perfectly. Want to know what the hype is about?

Keep reading.

Ordering Magic5 Swim Goggles

You can purchase custom-fit goggles through the official Magic5 website. The company offers a few different models, regular goggles with clear lenses and tinted for outdoor swimming. If you need both, Magic5 offers a bundle deal with both models. Lens color options are slightly limited, but I am now picky about it.

Once you go through a check-out, you'll need to download the Magic5 app and scan your face. The whole scanning process is similar to your phone's FaceID, where your camera takes a face scan from different angles.

Once that step is done, you'll have to wait for approximately 2 weeks to receive your new pair of Magic5 swim goggles. If your swim goggles don't fit your face, Magic5 will attempt to create the best goggles again with a new face scan.
magic5 swimming goggles review
Magic5 Goggles
Spoiler alert #2:

I was skeptical until the minute I put Magic5 goggles on my face.

My Swim Goggles from Magic5: Full Experience

I got two pairs of swimming goggles, both tinted, since I live in Florida. Both goggles arrived in a custom Magic5 box with instructions on adjusting your custom-fitted goggles for the best leak-free experience.

These swimming goggles look like a pair of regular goggles you can find from brands like Arena, TYR, or Speedo.

The part I was skeptical about the most was: their design and nose bridge size.

Would "Custom Fit" Swim Goggles Fit Me? My Initial Concerns

  • Low profile design

    Their low profile design reminded me of Arena Cobra Ultra, goggles I only used a few times due to their limited peripheral vision. While low-profile goggles create less drag, it shouldn't come at the cost of your peripheral vision.

    Goggles with good peripheral vision can make or break your head position, and it's extremely important not only in open water swimming but in the pool too. For that reason, I didn't like Area Cobra Ultra. Since Magic5 has a similar low-profile design, I was skeptical about their versatility.
  • Nose bridge

    Here's a thing you need to know; Magic5 makes your swim goggles in one size. That means that every part of your pair of goggles is not changeable. Unless they don't fit you at all, the company will attempt to make your perfect-fit goggles one more time. The only thing that can be regulated is an adjustable strap, and that's about it.

    My biggest concern was a nose bridge. Unlike a regular pair of goggles, Magic5 doesn't include changeable nose bridges for you to pick a better fit. If your nose bridge doesn't fit well, your eye sockets won't seal properly, and your goggles will simply leak.

    Spoiler alert #3: The nose bridge was my biggest concern; I wear swim goggles with extra small ones.

Wearing Goggles For The First Time

A little less than 2 weeks later, goggles arrived at my door.

Before we talk about my experience of wearing them at the pool, it'd be unfair not to mention that they do look like swimming goggles made out of high-quality material. From eye socket seal material to lens, Magic5 nailed the looks of their swim goggles.

But looks are nothing if goggles don't fit right, and Magic5 goggles... Well. They fit perfectly. The minute I put them on, my skepticism faded away.
The first surprise is being able to unpack goggles and jump in the pool without constantly readjusting parts. The best of it: from each eye socket to the nose bridge, everything fit just right.

Polarized lenses were exceptionally comfortable under Florida's sun. A few weeks in, I can confirm that the anti-fog layer seems to be doing its job just fine without any issues. Magic5's leak-proof seal is definitely one of the best on the market, and thus far, I had zero leaks during my swims.

Their eye socket seal sits on my face securely to the point that I have no need to adjust the strap tighter. The one downside of it: these goggles sit so tight on your face they'll leave goggle marks on your face. But like many swimmers, I am used to goggle marks and can live with that ;)
Unlike Arena's Cobra Ultra, Magic5 swim goggles offer a great peripheral vision range, allowing you to swim both in the pool and in open water. I've been wearing them during my open-water sessions and can confirm that those are great goggles for swimming in various bodies of water.

Great peripheral vision, fog and leak-free fit make Magic5 goggles a perfect fit for swimming in open water easier. Instead of doing multiple stops to restore my clear vision, I could focus on what matters the most - swimming.
By using a few face scans, Magic5 created durable, leak-free custom goggles for my face in a matter of 2 weeks. This is the future of swimming, and I am here for it.
Maria Rezhylo
20 years of swimming experience