Swim Pace Calculator

Swim Pace Calculator

Goal Time: : :

Swimming Pace Calculator Instruction

Welcome to our Swim Pace Calculator! This tool has been created specifically for Triathlon, Ironman, and open water swims. It allows you to determine your average time to swim 100 yards (or meters) for a specific swim distance and time.

Note: It's not a sprint swim split calculator because it only considers events over 100. However, you still can learn how to pace a 200 free (or other strokes).

Step-by-step instruction for calculating swimming pace

  • 1
    Enter the event total distance that you want to swim in the 'Distance' field
    Don't use comas or dots.
  • 2
    Select either 'Meters' or 'Yards' as the unit of measurement in the 'Distance Units' drop-down menu
    This is going to affect the swim pace calculation. If you choose "meters", the goal pace is going to be displayed per 100 meters and vise versa.
  • 3
    Enter the goal time that you want to achieve in the 'Hours', 'Minutes', and 'Seconds' fields
    Please note that these fields cannot be left blank. For example, if your goal time is 1 hour and 30 minutes, you should enter '1' in the 'Hours' field, '30' in the 'Minutes' field, and '00' in the 'Seconds' field.
  • 4
    Click the 'Calculate Pace' button to see your goal pace per 100 meters or yards
    If you want to perform another calculation, simply enter new values in the appropriate fields and click the 'Calc Pace' button again.

Open water swims and the importance of the correct pace

Learn why every average swimmer should utilize a swim pace calculator to maximize performance
  • Setting realistic goals
    Knowing the end goal for every triathlon, ironman, and open water swim is important. Seeing what exactly it takes to swim a certain goal time can help you evaluate the likelihood of achieving it.
  • Correct preparation
    Every competitive swimmer executes different parts of the practice at a particular pace and heart rate. Once you establish your goal pace with our calculator, start implementing it in your interval training. That's the best way to prepare your body physically and mentally for race day.
  • Ideal race plan
    Once the goal pace has been practiced, your body and mind are ready for race day. Knowing the pace will help you to hold-on at the beginning and carry even speed for the whole race.
  • Understanding competitors
    Understanding your swimming pace can also be used to draft during swim races, track your progress, and even compare your time to the World Record. Set your pace clock right, according to your physical abilities.

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